Back in August, my friend Mikako and I flew to L.A. for a runway model casting call. My mom found out about the opportunity from her friend and wanted me to have a chance at living my dream. There is a big change happening right now in the fashion industry, people are starting to make clothes for all different types of bodies and sizes. A group called Bezgraniz Couture was looking for models and I would be a great one.
So we packed our bags and caught an early morning flight to Long Beach. From Long Beach I ordered us a Lyft ride on my phone. Our driver was waiting for his big break in show biz too. He wants to be a comedian and write for T.V. shows. We talked about life in L.A. and where all the celebrities like to hang out. I got the “inside scoop”.
It took a while to get to the studio because traffic was kind of bad. He dropped us off and wished me luck, saying one day he hoped to see my face on a billboard. When we walked in to the place I felt so excited to be there and saw many, many different people with diverse differences.
We got in line and started making friends right away. It made the waiting easier to chat with other people who share my same dream.Most people were interesting with amazing life stories. I met a woman who had been in combat and lost her leg, someone who had Polio as a child, and a young woman who had epilepsy.
I had to get my measurements taken before I walked the runway, that was a new experience for me! We watched other people getting their turn to shine, strutting their stuff on the catwalk. I waited hours before it was my turn. When I finally got up there I had three chances to walk the runway. The third time was the best; I threw in a little personal touch and flexed my bicep. The crowd loved it and people laughed and clapped. It felt so good to know I was rockin’ it!
After my turn on the runway, Mikako and I went to lunch at a really cool restaurant in a hip neighborhood called Echo Park. We spent two hours eating, drinking fizzy juices, resting, and enjoying the different vibe. I was imagining myself living there and what that would look like; L.A. is where my heart lives, I’d like it to be my residence too! After lunch I got us another Lyft driver. This guy had grown up in the city and had lots of good information to share. I was tired though and took a power nap in the car while Mikako asked him questions about life in L.A.
When I woke up we were in Burbank! We cruised around on foot, just relaxing now that the hardest part of the trip was over. Mikako offered to buy me some ice cream because we were having such a good time. She was really, really proud of me for hanging tough through such a long day.
We made it to the airport in Burbank with plenty of time to spare. Which was lucky because we had a couple of surprises with our boarding passes not working. We both got a little nervous but took time to calm down and fix the problem, in the end it was no big deal. The sun was setting as we boarded our flight, the hills had a beautiful Southern California glow. It was Mikako’s turn to take a nap and she slept a little bit on the plane. Back in San Jose we picked up the car and drove home, to dream of getting called back for L.A. Fashion Week in October!
I haven’t heard back from them yet, but whether I get a chance to be in the show or not it was a great experience for me. I got to see some of L.A. with my friend, we made new friends with cool people, ate great food, and had a lot of fun.